Whitefish Fishing Tips
Where Are They
Usually (not ice fishing), Whitefish are caught in the early spring or in the Fall when they migrate to areas with current such as rivers or narrow flows in the lake system. Whitefish have very small and tender mouths, which is why most people who catch Whitefish were Walleye fishing while using really small hooks and minnows or really small jigs. You don't have to wait for a freak chance to catch a Whitefish. Just follow some rules for the different seasons.
In the very early Spring, the Whitefish migrate into the rivers and streams to feed on the Walleye, Pike and Sucker eggs that are being dropped during the spawn. The best way to fish for Whitefish in the Spring is in the river with 4 lb. test line and really tiny hooks with a single salmon egg, grub, a little ball of Berkley Power Dough or the best bait, Wax Worms. Have a small float and let the bait float down stream and over the deeper pools that are behind the gravel spawning beds.
When the May Flies start to hatch, the Whitefish will move out of the rivers and stay just below the surface of the lake feeding on the hatching flies. When the May Fly hatch is complete, the Whitefish go deep.
You can catch Whitefish on the surface in the spring with small spinners, 1/16 oz jigs, tiny Rapalas or putting a May Fly or Waxworm on a hook and a small float and just cast off the dock. Generally, the whitefish will be everywhere there are large populations of May Flies hatching on the surface. This is a perfect time for Fly-Fishing for Whitefish with your fly-rod.